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作者:程燎原 编辑:刘勇 审核人: 发布时间:2020-04-04 浏览量:






The Drastic Turn and Eastward Spread of Western Learnings:Rediscover the Chances and Thought Resources of Legalists

Cheng Liao-yuan


Abstract: In the history of Legalists in China, the modern time is a brand new phase for Legalists. On one hand, legalists must respond to the stresses and challenges from the drastic turns of modern Chinese history. On the other hand, since eastward spread of western learnings have encouraged Chinese scholars of modern times to face the western academy, western learnings become the new motives and resources to restudy Legalists. Therefore, “salvation”, “enriching the country and enhancing the military force”, and “ theory of rule of law” become the core concepts and thought mainstreams of Legalists in modern China.

Key words: Eastward spread of western learnings; Renaissance of Legalists;Historical drastic changing; Western learning